Mike Song Blog
Get Organized: The Best PC Shortcut of All!
Create a Zip! Zone
The Best Windows 10 Tip Ever!
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Must Watch Video: Mike Song shares an amazing tip from our Get Control! Get Organized Class.
If you want to get more done it’s important to create great shortcuts throughout the technosphere. The single best shortcut for PC users can be set up in one minute on the lower, horizontal, Windows 10 toolbar. This tip also works for Windows 7 and 8 users!
The value of placing a bank of shortcuts on the lower toolbar is that you can ALWAYS see the toolbar. You can see your shortcuts from Outlook, Word, PDF, and from a browser. This visibility acts as a constant reminder that you have a convenient, PC shortcut that leads you to your most important documents, email messages, websites, and document folders.
This is one of my favorite all-time time management tips for getting organized and getting more done! Email me if you are interested in our digital document organization training: info@getcontrol.net.